
 welcome to
 The qmail Installation guide
 for FreeBSD


A word on the FreeBSD Qmail installation:

This qmail installation guide for FreeBSD has been successfully tested on FreeBSD 4.x and 5.x with no problems. I have not tested this installation version previous to 4.x. However, I'm relatively sure that this installation could be applied to previous versions with minimal fuss. Secondly, when it comes to Qmail and FreeBSD there are basically 2 routes you can go

(1) Installation from the FreeBSD ports collection - Obviously this is the easier route to go. It's so easy that I'm not going to cover it. However, the FreeBSD ports installation of qmail is typically NOT a proper installation. It often places the files and folders for qmail in locations that Dan Bernstein himself never recommended or even suggested. For that reason, I wouldn't install it from the ports collection. Of course, that decision is up to you. But if you decide to install from the ports collection, don't come asking me for help. You're on your own, my friend.

(2) Installation from source - This is the way my installation guide does it. Why? Because it's predictable and you always know what you're getting and where everything is going. This makes troubleshooting and support much easier. Also, installing from source is far more platform independent than installing form the ports collection. This means that your qmail installation will be much more portable should you ever want to upgrade your system, change operating systems or even if you have to do a restoration after some sort of hardware failure. Sure it takes a bit longer, but you'll end up with a correctly installed, widely supported and easily portable implementation of qmail. Trust me, it's worth the extra time. Ok, enough of that. Let's get to it.

Take me to the FreeBSD qmail installation guide!




Color Coded Qmail Installation Key
Regular Black Text 
 Qmail installation notes and summaries by the author. Me talking.
Bold Black Text 
 Commands to be run by you, the installer.
Bold Maroon Text 
 Special notes for Redhat 9 users.
Bold Red Text 
 Vital and/or critical information.
Regular/Bold Purple text 
 Denotes helpful tips and hints or hyperlinks.
Regular Orange Text 
 Command line output.

Regular green text 

 Denotes the contents of a file or script.
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