Part 6 - Vqadmin

Vqadmin is simply a nice web based interface that will let us manage Vpopmail. Through the interface we can create new domains, new users, net quotas, enable services and much more.

So let's install it...

cd /downloads/qmailrocks

gunzip vqadmin-2.3.6.tar.gz

tar xvf vqadmin-2.3.6.tar

cd vqadmin-2.3.6

./configure --enable-cgibindir=/path/to/your/cgi-bin --enable-htmldir=/path/to/your/html/directory

(Example: ./configure --enable-cgibindir=/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin --enable-htmldir=/usr/local/apache2/htdocs)

vi +535

change the following line:

chgrp `id -g root` @cgibindir@/vqadmin/vqadmin.cgi

to this:

chgrp `/usr/xpg4/bin/id -g root` @cgibindir@/vqadmin/vqadmin.cgi

make && make install-strip

If the installation is successfull, Vqadmin should install itself in the cgi-bin directory of your default website. Unless you tell it otherwise, that usually defaults to /var/www/cgi-bin. You can specify another location in the ./configure command above.

Now you will need to add the following to your server's Apache configuration file (usually httpd.conf)

<Directory "/path/to/your/cgi-bin/vqadmin">
deny from all
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order deny,allow

In addition, within the Apache master config file you will want to set the "AllowOveride" option to "All". Example: AllowOveride All

cd /path/to/your/cgi-bin/vqadmin

Now you will want to create a .htaccess file to password protect the Vqadmin interface. There should already be a .htaccess file in the vqadmin directory, so all you need to do is configure it.

vi .htaccess

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/where/you/want/to/store/the/password/file/.htpasswd
AuthName vQadmin
require valid-user
satisfy any

chown nobody .htaccess

chmod 644 .htaccess

Now you need to create a corresponding .htpasswd file that's going to contain the username and encrypted password for the Vqadmin administrator...

htpasswd -bc /path/to/where/you/want/to/store/the/password/file/.htpasswd admin admin_password

chmod 644 /path/to/where/you/want/to/store/the/password/file/.htpasswd

Question: But what if I want to user another username other than "admin"?

Answer:: You will notice that in the above line, I'm adding an admin user called "admin". The name of the user needs to be "admin" because that is the username which Vqadmin sets up by default to have full admin rights. If you want to use a username other than "admin", you will need to edit the /cgi-bin/vqadmin/vqadmin.acl file and add your custom user to that file along with whatever rights you want it to have. Within that file, you will see where the user called "admin" is already set up to have all rights. That line looks like this:

admin VIMUDCA admin1user

In this line, the "admin" part specifies the username, the "VIMUDCA" part specifies that user's rights (a chart of all the possible rights is right above this line), and the "admin1user" part specifies the common name for the user which will be displayed when you log into Vqadmin. The common name is purely for aesthetic purposes.

Now restart Apache...

apachectl stop

apachectl start

If all has gone well, you should now be able to browse (in your web browser) to:

Note: make sure you include "vqadmin.cgi" in the path or you will get a 403 forbidden error!

Enter the user "admin" and whatever password your assigned it.

You should now see the Vqadmin interface. Go ahead and add a new domain to your server! Pretty cool, huh? The "postmaster" user serves as the admin user for any new domain and we will use it to log into Qmailadmin, when we install that. As soon as we complete the install, that domain will be instantly able to get mail (assuming the MX is correctly pointing to your server). The nice thing about Vpopmail and Vqadmin is that you do not need to restart anything after you add a domain. Once you add it, it simply works! We're almost done!

Proceed to Part 7


Color Coded Qmail Installation Key
Regular Black Text 
 Qmail installation notes and summaries by the author. Me talking.
Bold Black Text 
 Commands to be run by you, the installer.
Bold Maroon Text 
 Special notes for Redhat 9 users.
Bold Red Text 
 Vital and/or critical information.
Regular/Bold Purple text 
 Denotes helpful tips and hints or hyperlinks.
Regular Orange Text 
 Command line output.

Regular green text 

 Denotes the contents of a file or script.
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