11 - Starting qmail |
Alright, qmail should be ready to go! But before we crank it up, let's run a script that will check the key components of the installation and make sure everything is alright. To do this test, I have borrowed Dave Sill's "inst_check" script, but I've made a few custom modifications to accomodate for the subtle differences between the Qmailrocks installation and the Life With Qmail installation. Basically, the Qmailrocks installation has a slightly different logging setup and some slight variations in permissions settings. If you've installed according to this site, use my version of the script, as using Dave's version will result in a lot of "error" detections that are false positives due to the differences in the 2 installs. When you run the script, it will check for some key required files and folders and will also check permissions and owership settings on many key items. It a needed file does not exist or if the ownership/permissions settings are wrong on a key file, it will tell you and then make a suggestion as to how to correct the error. This script does NOT check the CONTENT or SYNTAX of your scripts, but only for the scripts' existence and their ownership/permissions settings. If you've screwed up the syntax of on the run scripts, this tool will not detect it. So you ready? Let's do it... /downloads/qmailrocks/scripts/util/qmr_inst_check If you get a "congratulations" type of message, you're all set. If you get some errors, just follow the directions to fix the errors and then re-run the script until you get all errors corrected and you get a "congratulations" message. Assuming, you've passed the installation check script, let's crank Qmail up! qmailctl stop qmailctl start You can find out how things are running by: qmailctl stat You should see an output like this: /service/qmail-send: up (pid 29956) 2 seconds If you, don't see anything like that or if you see error messages, click here for troubleshooting tips. Congratulations, Qmail is now officially up and running and you should be able to send and receive mail on the server. You can test it with the domain you created in Vqadmin a while back. telnet localhost 110 you should see something like this: Trying This is the sign of a successfull POP connection to the server! Now try sending mail to that same user from another location. Telnet to 110 again and run the "list" command and you should see the message that your send... telnet localhost 110 Trying If you have reached this point, then Qmail is now successfully up and running. Technically speaking, you could quit right here and have a functioning mail server. However, we still have a few options that we're going to plug into Qmail before we're done. In the next pages we will: Install Courier IMAP & IMAP SSL. Install Squirrelmail web based mail interface (requires that IMAP be installed). Install Qmail-Scanner, an alternative queueing device. Install Spamassassin, to tag all incoming spam. Install Clam Anti Virus - To quarantine e-mails containing known viruses. Install Checkall,
to filter out messages containing undesirable words that may make it past
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