19 - Mail Client Configuration |
So now you've got a fully functioning mail server. Well, now it's time to make use of that mail server and configure a remote mail client to retrieve mail from the server and send mail through the server. For my example, I've chosen Microsoft's Outlook XP. Outlook Express varies slightly, but you should be able to get the general idea. Likewise, if you using some other mail client you should be able to get the idea. Please do not e-mail me asking for instructions on another mail client. This is the only one I'm going to provide for now. Anyway, let's configure Outlook... For this example, let's set the following pre-conditions: 1. I have used Vqadmin to set up a new domain on my server called "domain.com" 2. Since I have set the domain up using Vqadmin, there should already be a main user for the domain called "postmaster@domain.com". 3. I'm going to set up Outlook to check mail for and "postmaster@domain.com" and will also use that user for SMTP authentication, so that I can send mail.
Step 1: Go to E-mail account configuration Select "E-mail Accounts" under Tools. Step 2: Add a new E-mail account When finished, click "Next". Step 3: It's a POP3 type of account When finished, click "Next". Step 4: Configure the account
Click on "More Settings" once you've filled out the above information. Step 5: Enable SMTP Authentication (under the "more settings" area): Save all changes and give it a go! You should be all set. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
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